Sunday, July 30, 2006


Sports - Sports -Sports

Opening in 1983, the Hoosier Dome was renamed in 1994 as the RCA Dome. The dome is home to the Indianapolis Colts and a host of other sporting events.

The RCA Dome will be replaced by the Lucas Oil Stadium in 2008.

Waiting for tickets.

Hanging out at the Indiana Convention Center

In 1987 Indianapolis hosted the 10th Pam Am Games. Teams from around the Western Hemisphere came to Indianapolis to participate in a miniature version of the Olympics. Maybe some day Indianapolis will be able to host the Olympics.

The Pan Am Flame

Waiting for the round ball season to start!

Opening in November 1999, the Conseco Fieldhouse is home to the Indiana Pacer. The Fieldhouse design is reminicent of fieldhouses all across Indiana. Indiana basketball is known throughout the United States, and Conseco is a great monument to Hoosier Hoops.

Well that's it for now, see ya next time!


Sunday, July 23, 2006


For those that have fallen in service to their country

Indianapolis, Indiana is noted for its memorials to the fallen men and women who have served in the United States military.

The first memorial, known as the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, was constructed in 1902, and sits in the middle of downtown Indianapolis. The 284.5 feet tall monument is the focus point of the "Circle".

One of the intricate fountains that surround the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.

Built in 1930, the Veteran's Memorial Plaza obelisk is 100 feet tall, and stands as a monument to the dreams of the American spirit.

The American Legion's National Headquarters is located in Indianapolis, sitting at one end of the American Legion Mall.

Outside the American Legion National Headquarters is Indiana's Cenotaph. Known as Cenotaph Square the distinctive black granite memorial honors those that died during the "Great War" or World War I.

Under construction for nearly 40 years, the Indiana War Memorial sits as the center point of the vast collection of memorials. That's me sitting at the base of the Pro Patria. The 24 foot tall statue was designed and sculpted by Henry Hering in 1929.

The World War II Memorial was designed by Indianapolis architect Patrick Brunner, and has the distinction of having a nine foot radius in its half circle design. The concave portion of the Memorial contains quotes from various sources, including Ernie Pyle, the Hoosier war correspondent who chronicled World War II from the eyes of the men who served.

Dedicated in 1996 the Korean and Vietnam Memorials are "twins" that face each other. The limestone and granite semi-circles are engraved with the names of Hoosiers who paid the supreme sacrifice in service to their country. On the convex portion of each Memorial are maps showing where the conflicts took place.

Hoosier pride and patriotism is evident in these memorials, and there are still more to visit.

See ya next time!


Friday, July 14, 2006


Along the Monon Trail in Broad Ripple

In Indianapolis there is a "greenways" that traverses a large part of the city's northside. The Monon Trail runs 10 1/2 miles through Indy cutting through Broad Ripple Village.

Broad Ripple is a major center for Indianapolis' art and music community. Today I just roamed around the area along the Mon
on Trail and the Indianapolis Water Company canal.

I haven't traveled very far today!

Hanging out at the canal overlook

I don't know art, fact is never met him, so I don't know what this is!

Firefighters are just the coolest people in the
WORLD! Thanks to all of them for being there
for us!
Sitting outside the Rusted Moon Outfitters.
I loved that sign!

Stopping by for a sno cone at the SnoZone!

If you have any suggestions on places to visit in central Indiana, please contact me, thanks.

That's it for today, see you next time.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Over the river and through the woods

Just north and a little west of Butler University is the town of Rocky Ripple . There seems to be three ways to access the town, use one of the two road bridges that cross into it from Westfield Blvd., or use the foot bridge from Butler's Holcomb Garden.
(Indianapolis Water Company Canal bridge)

The steel and wood bridge spans the Indianapolis Water Company's canal, and takes you on to a walking path that will lead you to Rocky Ripple.

For a town of approximately 800 residents, Rocky Ripple has a nice, well manicured and maintained playground located at Sunny Meade and 53rd Street. The kind of place you can "monkey" around at all day.

Hohlt Park sign and flower garden

This place brings out the swinger in me!

Wanna go for a spin?

I need a playmate!


Just hangin' out and monkeying around!

I guess Rocky Ripple, Indiana is kind of a secret, but it really is a pretty little town.

See you next time.


Sunday, July 09, 2006


In search of knowledge at Butler University

I visited Butler University, and I think that some of the people on campus were confused about where they were. I got the strangest looks from passersby as I wandered around the campus. I don’t know, maybe they have never seen anyone as cute as me!

One thing I noticed is that Butler has a lot of signs saying what school it is. I think that may be so that the professors know where they are working at.

On the north end of campus is a great place to hang out and enjoy. It's Holcomb Gardens, and even though I did not see any vegetables or really good trees (no bananas!) they did have a lot of flowers and bushes.

In the middle of a fountain is Persephone. I was told that during "Rush Week" she has a habit of getting dressed up for the different "Greek" houses.

They also have an observatory were you can see the stars. I want to come back and see if I can see Jay Leno (I really like his chin), or maybe someone like Naomi Watts (she was great in King Kong).

I also noticed that they have quite a few "Greek" houses at Butler. I have never met a "Greek" so if you know anyone who lives in one of these houses have them contact me. I would love to be photographed with them.

By the way Bobby Fong, beautiful school!

I hope you enjoy the pictures, and will come back soon to see more.


Friday, July 07, 2006


A trip to Ft. Harrison State Park

This morning we took off on our first round of sightseeing! I wanted to drive, but was told, "No!" since I can't see over the steering wheel.

So, I got relegated to the passenger seat and off we went.

Our first stop was to a park in the city of Lawrence, Indiana. Lawrence sits in the northeast corner of Marion County, Indiana. It is a suburb of
Indianapolis, with about forty thousand humans, and growing all the time.

Inside Lawrence sits what used to be Ft. Benjamin Harrison. One of the U.S. Army's soldier support centers. The Fort was turned over to the local government in the '90's, and has really become a wonderful place to see. A good portion of the Fort was converted into a state park.

(Main sign at Ft. Harrison)

(Soldier's Support Center plaque)

(Ft. Harrison's new plaque)

(Sitting outside the main gate office)

All in all it was a lot of fun today. Thanks to Ginny Harvey at Ft. Harrison State Park for her kind words of encouragement.

For more information on Ft. Harrison click the link at the top of the page.

See ya next time!




Hi! I am Sid Gorilla. This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope and pray that everyone will be kind.

Just to tell you a little bit about myself; I am short, less than three feet tall, with brownish/sandy hair (lots of hair) and currently reside in the Midwest here in the United States.

For the past thirteen years or so I have lived in relative solitude, spending most of my days either watching Simpsons reruns, sleeping or just hanging out at home. BUT I have now decided to get out and see what this world has to offer! Since I do not drive I had to get someone to take me around, so I now have a driver, plus he is my own paparazzi. He also works cheap! Actually for peanuts, no really peanuts, get him a bag and he is happy.

Well, now since I am out and about I decided to take pictures of some of the places I have been. That is going to be the thrust of this blog, places I have been.

I hope you enjoy, and look forward to any comments, suggestions and ideas.

Thanks for your time.
